Entry fees
Entries closed on 31st July 2020
Virtually run the length of the wall (85 miles) in stages over the month of June.
Your challenge is to run the distance by the end of June - You can start anytime from 1st June 2020.
We have a great bespoke medal for this challenge and you can add the option of a Run Nation Virtual Ultra - Hadrian's Wall technical T-Shirt when you enter the race.
Use any GPS tracking App (e.g. Strava/Endomondo) and record your journey and share with us via our results website.
Enter - Run your Ultra - receive your bespoke Hardian's Wall Ultra Medal after your run (£7.95) add a unique Hadrian's Wall Virtual Ultra Techincal T-Shirt for an extra £12.50
You can login to your account/profile and check all the races you have entered and the entry status. Any queries please email
You will recieve information and instructions by email approximately 3 days before the race. It is important that your email account is accessible to you and that you check for the email before the race.
Please be aware we do not post out race numbers, these are to be collected on the day from registration, we will provide safety pins.
RUN NATION will always endeavour the produce your results with Chip Timing.
Sometimes chips are not picked up for reasons outside our control (the chip didn't work or was covered up by clothing or was wet/damaged), in these cases we may have to refer to our video (GoPro) at the finish to manually identify runners. This allows us to guarantee a finish time
When the race is chip timed, your race/bib number will have a foam strip with the chip underneath - Do not remove or damage the foam or chip.
Your race number should be attached to your running top at all four corners and be visible throughout the race (including start and finish).
The race results/positions are always based on the GUN time NOT the chip time - this is standard across all official running events across the world. The sport has rules that are consistent and used in all countries/races that follow the World governing body rules.
The chip time is only used for personal use. The position the runners cross the finishing line is how ALL results are calculated.
Check the website for the entry list. We will try to publish this 3 days before the race.
Please log in to your profile and it will show what events you have entered as well as the pre-race information linked to the event. Any questions please email
Race information will be emailed out the week of the race confirming all the details for the day. Please make sure you check your spam/junk folder.
Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds if you are ill, injured or change your plans.
Up to 14 days before race we can allow you to change the event or defer to next years race. See full instructions here
Within 14 days of the event NO changes can be made
2.3 | You are not permitted to use the following items in the Event:- |
2.3.1 | any wheeled device (subject to Condition 2.5); |
2.3.2 | any artificial aid |
2.3.3 | any pets or animals; |
2.3.4 | any other item that could potentially inhibit the flow or safety of other participants or road users or which we, in our reasonable opinion, deem may cause danger or risk of danger to you or other participants – including MP3 players and headphones. |
2.4 | You warrant to us that you will be on the Event Date, sufficiently fit and healthy to participate in the Event unaided and in accordance with the Agreement. If you are in any doubt we recommend that you take your child / dependant to seek medical advice. |
2.5 | If you are entered into the wheelchair section of the event, you are only permitted to use a self-propelled wheelchair without gears or any mechanical, powered or electronic aid or device. If in the elite wheelchair section of the Event you will only use a racing wheelchair approved by us. |
All of our races are governed by the UK Atheltics governing body, therefore we must follow all their policies and guidelines to validate our race licenses.
The UKA policy on transgender eligibility publised on 1st April 2023 states this:
"If your gender is different from the sex you were observed at birth, you are not allowed to compete in the female category from 1 April 2023 unless you are approved by UK Athletics as complying with the World Athletics Regulations to be able to compete in the female category."
"Transgender women athletes who were previously approved to compete through the UKA panel process can no longer compete in the female category from 1 April, regardless of testosterone levels."
"If you have already registered to enter an event before midnight on 31 March 2023, you will be able to compete in that event but cannot claim awards, qualifying times or records. Your score will not count towards a team result. This means that a transgender woman may compete in the male category unless and until any changes to event categories have been approved by UKA."
Here is a link to the UKA page - Transgender Athletes - England Athletics
We cannot guarantee the event to have places available on the day
Please enter at least 14 days before the race.
If you wish to enter on the day, please check the website 24 hours befoe the race and we will be able to tell you if there are places available.
We do not send anything in the post.
All race packs (numbers and chips) can be collected on the day of the race from the race HQ
Unless specifically stated, all races are under UK Athletics Rules and the full rules can be found HERE
We try to publish race photos on our facebook page or the Flickr page
Flickr Run Nation’s albums | Flickr
Parents/carers can use their email address to register a child.
Please create an account for the child using your email address and enter using the child's name and date of birth in the account you've created.
We have developed a new website that provides a unique profile for each runner.
This profile is linked to your email address.
If you wish to enter children ages under 16 to races using your email address, please follow these steps.
When you login as yourself, you should only be able to see your own past and future race entries. Login with the new persons details and you will see their profile and races.
The team scoring the least number of points, according to the positions in which the members of the team finish whose positions are to count, shall be the winner; the positions of the non-scoring members of a team, whether it finishes all its members or not, shall be scored in computing the totals of the other teams. In the event of a tie on points, the team whose last scoring member finishes nearest first place shall determine the result.
To count as a team member, the runner must be wearing the official club running vest.
All runners will be informed of their prize at the event, where possible. Otherwise Run Nation will email runners with their prize. Age category prizes will always be emailed out the following week of an event.
All Run Nation prize vouchers are honoured via this website and anyone having a problem reclaiming or using the code should contact us immediately.
Vouchers are valid only for the runner who won the prize and cannot be used in conjuction with other prizes or discount codes.
Veteran Age Group winners will be issued to all 10k plus events. 2k & 5k events need to have 100 finishers to qualify for age group prizes.
Women 35+ (35-39/40-44/45-49/50-54/55-59/60-64/65-69 etc)
Men 40+ (40-44/45-49/50-54/55-59/60-64/65-69 etc)
Where there are fewer than 5 runners finishing in an age category, we will merge 2 or more age categories, to make up at least 5 finishers to count for a prize.
The highest placed runner within the combined age groups will qualify for a prize.
If one of the runners claiming a 1st 2nd 3rd prize overall (male or female), then the next placed veteran will recieve the Age Group prize.
As a guideline please look at the below times. If we are holding multiple races on the day you will have up until the cut off of the longest race to complete your run.
10k - 1 hour 30 minutes
Half Marathon - 3 hours
Marathon - 6 hours
The Virtual Run pages are below
1) How to take part INSTRUCTIONS (PDF)
2) List of events HERE
Runners must observe the social distancing rules that apply at the time and at the location of the run. In the UK, this is a solo run* (or with members of your household only) and runners must maintain a minimum of 2 metres distance, when passing.
*Children (U16) must be under the supervision of an adult member of the household at all times.
Do NOT drive to a location, park or track to carry out your run - run from home.
You will need to visit the VIRTUAL RUN RESULTS PAGE and select your event, then upload the time and we will validate this after the run in complete
A virtual race is a race that can be run at your convenience during a specified period of time. Create your free Strava account, sign up for a race, and run or walk the distance of the race on a course you create wherever you are.
The size guide below should help you choose from our T-Shirt collection
When entering a race there will only be the option of T-Shirts from sizes XS-XL. If you require a larger size please select XL and then email to tell us what size you require.
Participant Code of Conduct
Please ensure that you read and observe this code of conduct to ensure a safe and enjoyable event for everyone.
• Do not travel to the event if you are showing any symptoms of covid-19 as outlined by the NHS
• Do your homework – make sure you are aware of and understand the pre-race briefing information offered by your event
• Come ready to run - minimise your interaction with race staff, volunteers and participants by being as self-sufficient as possible
• Come alone if you can
• Under no circumstances swap your number or give your place to another participant
• Be respectful to volunteers and participants
• Observe social distancing wherever possible
• Carefully consider your travel plans, avoiding public transport if at all possible
• Leave more time than you normally would to get to and from the event
• Be prepared to bring your own water and food and carry it with you during the race and please dispose of rubbish responsibly
• Be aware of your personal hygiene e.g. avoid spitting and nasal clearance
• Be mindful of your surroundings and impact on other participants, spectators, volunteers and the public. Don’t run with or carry children in the race.
• Bring your own hand sanitizer
• If you experience COVID symptoms soon after the event, then please make this known through the government’s Track & Trace system
Participants will be asked to arrive for a specific start time (wave) to allow for social distancing and minimise the amount of people waiting at the start.
Participants must not arrive early and wait near the start,
For races of 10k or more, we recommend you bring your own water.
If required, we will have bottled water at 5km and must be picked up by participants
The finish area will be as wide as necessary for social distancing.
Participants will cross the line and continue moving/social distancing and vacate the area as soon as is possible.
Marshals will be in PPE around this area to monitor those who may need help.
We will not be giving out medals at the finish area
We are discouraging spectators.
The finish area will be taped off to avoid close contact with participants
We are discouraging shouting as this can increase the risk of transmission of Covid-19
Social distancing must be observed at all times and having spectatiors makes this more difficult to manage
We have just updated the Run Nation website to allow you to manage your entries better and to make changes to existing races or cancelled ones .
This new feature will also allow you to use any credit you have towards new events coming up in 2020-2021 or defer your 2020 entry to the 2021 race.
The options are to defer to 2021 or add a credit to your account, to use in the future.
These sections are under "My Account" when you login using your username and password.
An entrant shall be deemed to have made him/herself/their self, familiar with, and agreed to be bound by the UKA Anti-Doping Rules and to submit to the authority of UK Anti-Doping in the application and enforcement of the Anti-Doping Rules.
The UKA Anti-Doping Rules apply to entrants participating in the sport of Athletics, for 12 months from the [date of entry], whether or not the licence holder is a citizen of, or resident in, the UK.
Entries closed on 31st July 2020