23rd January 2024

Races of History with Run Nation - Loch Rannoch

Races of History with Run Nation


 Loch Rannoch


Kinloch Rannoch unfolds as a mesmerizing vista, a canvas painted with both natural beauty and historical narratives. Its origin is woven into the post-Rebellion of 1745 landscape, where Redcoats constructed roads around Schiehallion from Tummel Bridge, envisioning the village as a haven for retiring soldiers. Yet, the idyllic farming life proved unsuitable for the veterans.

The historical tapestry of Kinloch Rannoch stretches back to 500 A.D., with St. Blane reporting habitation upon arrival. Missionaries furthered the region's conversion to Christianity. Preceding 1745, continuous habitation in Rannoch and Tummel is evident, from Bronze Age lake dwellers on Loch Rannoch's crannogs to Pictish dwellings on higher slopes.

This picturesque locale was, before 1745, a realm of lawlessness, harboring bandits and cattle thieves who pilfered in the north and drove their spoils south to markets like Stirling. Kinloch Rannoch, therefore, emerges not only as a visual masterpiece but as a narrative-rich amalgamation of natural grandeur and historical resonance, inviting exploration into its captivating depths.